
The Platform’s New Features: Unblocking Blocking Rules, Reporting API, and User Roles

A cascade of platform updates is scudding! After our recent UI and UX improvements, we’ve been working on fueling the latter even more. Thus, our team of developers has integrated a set of new functional features to deliver better operational capacities to users. The new updates are introducing Blocking Rules, Reporting API, and User Roles.

Let’s see what practical values they bring to publishers’ table. 

The New Set of Threes

Blocking Rules

These rules allow publishers to become resistant to unwanted creatives, a category of advertisers or media buyers, by blacklisting them. The idea of such a “secateur” precaution is to protect publishers against obvious bad actors who could purchase ad spots for irrelevant impressions.

Reporting API for publishers

 It is a business intelligence satellite that lets publishers collect insightful data through the API on every single data point. It’s a powerful data-room when used smartly. Access to the API for a specific account can be easily activated by an admin in account settings. Also, such a reporting solution can be seamlessly integrated into the already existing publishers’ system environment.

User Roles

Any team member can now have access to the platform using personal login and settings with the required access level. Since publishing is a complicated business, it takes the efforts of an entire team to reach desirable goals. To facilitate this, we now offer publishers the four-in-one account user roles:

  • Super User. Full access.
  • Manager. Full access without user management.
  • Viewer. To observe current account settings without risk of accidental adjustments. 
  • Analyst. Reports only.

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