Video Advertising Formats for CTV Environments that Work

Use only an impressively engaging advertising format: in high demand by the industry and well-liked by viewers

Audiences are tired of being bombarded at every corner with decade-old ad formats... Treat them to something really innovative, entertaining and engaging. Offer ads that delight rather than attack!

The CTV/OTT ad industry is growing exponentially. The market is predicted to reach about $60 bn in less than 3 years. There has never been a better time to dive into the most trending ad environment. TheViewPoint equips you with impactful ad formats that allow you to take maximum advantage of the rising demand.

It is high time you switched to ad formats tailored exclusively for OTT:

  • Audiences are cutting traditional TV ties in favor of streaming platforms

  • Full HD commercials with stereo audio and full-screen formats

  • With more viewers in a household, the cost per impression becomes significantly lower

  • Shorter commercials lead to a higher completion rate than on other media

  • Rich opportunities for detailed targeting using 3rd party data

  • The price-performance ratio is much more attractive compared to traditional approaches

In-Stream Ads

In-Stream Ads

In the busy CTV market, time is literally money. That’s why we’ve incorporated the most trending ad format for highly positive engagement results

Pause video ads

In-Stream Ads

Pause ads is the latest trend in in-stream ads. CTV apps users are already watching the content when the ad is delivered, which means their attention is already fixed on the screen. As a result, there’s no need to fight for it by trying to come up with some outrageously creative video.

QR Code Ads

QR Code Ads

It’s a fact that while people are streaming content on their TV, they are doing something else at the same time. Most probably, they are checking their social media or texting. And this is good news because that’s exactly how you can boost your ad performance.

On TheViewPoint, demand-side partners can deliver QR ads, and viewers with smartphones already in their hands can quickly scan them to go to the advertiser’s website, play market, etc.

With QR codes advertising, brands can:

  • Redirect prospects to their website.
  • Generate leads with form submissions.
  • Drive the number of followers and likes on social media.
  • Increase app installations.
  • Receive online payments.