Premium CTV & OTT
ad platform by publisher rules

TheViewPoint partners with CTV/OTT publishers to help them build a supply chain on their terms, at their speed, with their goals.

Publishers increase their ad monetization yields with unmatched opportunities backed up by our extensive network of verified advertisers or connecting their demand sources directly. Only they make such important... decisions as who to partner with, which rates to choose and how to increase their revenue.

This publisher platform offers next-generation programmatic trading and promotes content owners’ best interests. When offering your CTV & OTT ad inventory on TheViewPoint, you receive full transparency, high-quality deals, safety, and easy-to-use tools for content monetization and scaling business effortlessly.

Explore monetization opportunities

    Reasons to Partner
    up with TheViewPoint

  • Inventory true potential

    The TheViewPoint cutting edge technology ensures the greatest ad optimization for publishers’ highest revenue. Set your preferences, including prices and favored partners, and our algorithms will select the most lucrative deals for you.

  • Seamless integration

    Enjoy easy integration with VAST-tags and/or an SDK to grow your business more effectively. Employ these flexible solutions when creating your own ad exchanges. With the support of your dedicated manager, you’ll be able to set up the integration in no extra time.

  • No middle man.
    No commissions.

    TheViewPoint is designed to build you a private ad exchange, which means that the revenue is entirely yours, too. You are only a fixed-tech fee away from ample monetization opportunities on your terms. Our publishers never face additional fees, service charges or pay middlemen for goodness knows what.

  • Unleash the real value of your content with the fullest transparency
    and the fairest conditions

    Access the next-generation ad monetization platform with cutting-edge publishing tools that ensure your CTV video advertising with maximum safety, trust, and profitability.

    Advertising software for publishers that works

    An extensive base of the preferred deals with reliable demand partners

    TheViewPoint is a publisher platform that provides you with a limitless pool of the best advertisers and an array of the most lucrative offers in the industry. We create a uniquely nurturing environment in which a publisher can grow their profitable ad monetization platform with transparent conditions and a supportive, dedicated team.

    Build and grow your own video monetization business by managing advertiser deals, rates and tailor made settings with TheViewPoint.

    Your Inventory — Your Rules

    Access unlimited opportunities for monetizing your Connected TV content

    Leverage extensive data to establish mutually beneficial partnerships with global brands. Make sure you are the only decision maker when it comes to your digital inventory by keeping track of your ad opportunities. Additionally, use the extensive search feature to browse through potential demand suppliers and select the most attractive ones, building long-lasting meaningful relationships with them.

    It’s your business and you’re the one in the driver’s seat.

    Advertising formats for CTV & OTT

    Promotional videos relevant to your audience.

    Deliver brand stories with custom-made advertising formats. Offer your demand partners ads that meet their business objectives, but don’t affect your viewers’ experience. On TheViewPoint you’ll be able to deliver various in-stream rolls or ads. When equipped with QR codes, potential customers can instantly go to the website, marketplace, app store, etc.

    Only you know your audience best, so only you can select the formats that will work.

    Scale up your video supply chain to increase your monetization yields significantly with no hastle whatsoever.